Sunday was the half in Austin.
It was so so sososo fun.
Even better was the whole weekend.
What?You'd like to hear how it went?
You want the long version?
On Friday I left work at exactly 5 p.m. and ran to my little recently gassed up Rav. It was raining, so the run part isn't a stretch. I turned on Queen Mother/GG (she's known by different names in different circles) and typed in Katherine's address.
Turn left.Ok, GG.
And off I went. There were a few minor problems that added some time to the trip (aren't there always?)... but three hours later, Katherine opened the door to C3 and hugged me for a very long time, gave me chocolate :) and we set to making chicken salad Hale-style. She even let me have my own bowl so I didn't have to eat mayo.
:) My friend.
Some of Kat's (and I suppose subsequently my new) friends came over and we ate ice cream from 1905 with brownies from 2008. I'm not sure when the pistachio ice cream was made, only that the green color is confusing. Green should be mint.
Anyway, we had a blast, playing games, visiting, juggling and watching mad hackey sack skills.
To bed. 3 a.m.
I on the couch, and Kat on the papasan cushion.
No one stirred; there was no need for shushin'.
Kat had to get up for a school project, but I lounged like a lazy bum for a couple more hours. Katherine's roommies and I had a swell time while she was gone. :)
And when she returned, we drove to Austin and met up with Tamara, Robin, Amber, Copeland and our resident mom, Jane. Happy times. Tamara and I went to the expo to get our runner's packets and raid the freebie tables.
I got some vitamin water, baby energy bars and the knowledge from Tam that Crocs are not for cool kids.
We went to Urban Outfitters, a coffee shop (where Kat got a delicious pancake with cinnamon butter and turned into the pancake fairy), and then back to the hotel.
First thing-- coolest hotel ever. There were trees inside! The elevators were clear glass, and those big goldfish swam around the ground floor's ponds. Second thing-- sardines are yum. Third thing-- Tam and I knew we needed to get some rest. We had to leave the hotel at 5:30 the next morning for the run.
So we tried to go to sleep early; It didn't work. It was just too blasted early. After some switch-o-change-o of the rooms, we settled in on the couch bed and drifted of to dream land.
My cell was set as the alarm. It made me a little nervous that it wouldn't go off. That would be just awful! After Tam drove all the way from Lubbock? After Rob, Amb and Copeland drove with her?
So, at 3 a.m., I woke up with a jolt.
No, no I overslept I got up to check, and all was well, but I was still antsy. I snuggled up on the floor next to the wall plug to be closer to the phone and fell back to sleep.
5 a.m.-- Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.
I've never been happy to wake up at 5 a.m., but today was exciting! Tam and I had our clothes laid out the night before, so we dressed, grabbed a bag of granola and went to the car.
I missed the entry for I-35, but luckily, we had plenty of time to waste. We found a great spot and pinned (then re pinned, hahaha) our bib numbers. It was soooo soooo cold. We stayed in the car for a little bit and watched the hardcore runners get into their groove.
You can get very intimated watching them.
Finally, around 6:20 or so, we walked arm in arm to the starting line. Tamara looked lovely in her bright yellow tights. And I was warm in my special Cindy-knitted head wrap and fleece coat (Cindy didn't knit the fleece coat). Truth be told, I was supposed to wear bright turquoise tights, but punked out in the end. I'm sorry, Tam.
I heard a lady comment on them, so... you're cooler than me.
We contemplated using the port, decided against it... made a plan to stop and stretch after the second mile, and walked to our pacing group.
At the start, fireworks -- the glittery kind!!! -- lit up the dawn-ey sky. That's been my favorite thing to tell people when they ask about the run -- "There were fireworks!"
Tam and I started our run. She is fast; I am not. Plus she was contemplating running the whole marathon. So after a while, we broke up.
Miles one through eight were over in a blink. I do not know how it happened so fast. I never even saw the signs for two through seven. But at nine, I started to get a little tired. The bands and cheering groups along the side kept everything all peppy. The hills were insane. Running across the bridge was beautiful. Running with all those people was beautiful.
I didn't bring my iPod, so the whole time, I just prayed and thought about stuff. I never want to run with my iPod again. It was just so nice having a running partner(s) again. Even though I didn't know any of them, it was fun to run with people.
I was overwhelmed at how well my knees did. No pain at all. Can you believe it? I was so grateful to be able to run. Someday I won't be able to anymore... but that day wasn't it!
I called Mom at mile 10 to let her know I was 3 miles away.
I saw Eddie first, then Mom and Rhonda.
I crossed the finish line, got my shirt, medal, ate some free HEB food and went to visit with friends. Tam was still running. She did 17 miles with no training. Amazing. Seriously, stinking amazing -- I'm considering becoming vegetarian.
The rest of the day was wonderful. After a shower, Tam, Rob, Amb and Copeland loaded up and headed back to Lubbock. Jane, Kat and I ate at the Hula Hut and studied at Mozart's.
Then home again.
Great weekend.